Lecture 2


Focus on analysis of artefacts

Artefact: a portable, human-made cultural product.

Archaeologists take artefacts to the lab to analyze them: archaeology is not just fieldwork.

Why do people do archaeology? Interested in:

Archaeologists aren’t looking for treasure; they’re looking for information

Origins of Archaeology

Archaeology Today

Transition to Academic Archaeoogy

During the Great Depression, the US government establishes the WPA: the Works Progress Administration. Trained many diggers as an employment strategy. Their discoveries are still being used for analysis by grad students today.

Landmark is Gordon R. Something

Then, Lewis Binford: a veteran of WWII. He went to UChicago and introduced Processual Archaeology, or “New Archaeology”.

This was challenged by Ian Hodder, who presented Post-Processual Archaeology. Main question: is excavation actually necessary? Challenged the thought process of previous paradigms.

Now, contracted Archaeologists, who are employed as to fulfill modern requirements of environmental impact statements. They are not academic archaeologists. This is almost always construction firms.

Tools of Archaeology:

Goals of Archaeology

Forms of Archaeological Data

An artifact goes through stages:

Archaeologists really value context because it gives meaning to the archaeological record. These mean:

Primary context involves use-related materials, or purposefully placed materials. Secondary context are things that have been displaced, and are much less useful.

Looting is a problem because it produces non-contextual material.

The only relevant archaeological transformations are those of nature (n-transforms) or culture (c-transforms).

There are other deranging factors:

Kinds of Archaeological Survey

Archaeological Laws

Kinds of Excavation

Recording Data

Kinds of Archaeological Illustration


Archaeologists go into populariztion or academic work.

The Maya

They can be seen as a simple, or a complex society. Ethnography makes them look very simple. Ethnohistoric makes them look like a two-class soceity. Archaeological perspectives present a multi-level society based on wealth, status, and anvestry. But different archaeological sites and workers result in different conclusions. Epigraphic interpretations present dynasties, kings, city-states and hegemonies. The rest was not preserved in the anthropological record.

Popular perceptions of the ancient Maya are exotic, romantic, exciting, and not at all realistic.

They had to travel by foot and so they have an about 60km dominion.

The Epigraphers argued that Tikal and Calakmul were the political centers, but this is not backed by the archaeology.

Changing Thought in Maya Archaeology

From Caracol:

  1. From self-sufficiency to interdependency and control
  2. Maya Warfare had big effect on social cdevelopment, status, and wealth.
  3. History and Archaeology: from ritual time to literal history and back again; the record indicates that cyclical time was very important to them.
  4. Importance of women



Discovered in the 1930s by a logger: brought in Linton Satterthwaite from UPenn, who focused on the stone monuments. UPenn museum wanted Stela for their art gallery;

They moved the monuments in 1953, and took them 30 years to publish it.

They arrived in 1985.

Why is Caracol where it is?

In control of the trade route that goes up to Cebal. There is a cluster along the river.


Earliest remains are from about 600 bc.

Sealed geodes, jade masks, etc.

The buildings embody cyclical time as they are modified every 400 years.

There is stucco all around.

Jaguar throne

Warfare theroy

THye chould have waged war against tikal; but Naranjo is in the feasable area.

The ruling families among the maya were itnerralted.

Caracol star wars


Major tombs are occupied by women

Major rulers are buried at tikal.

lidar transformed the way people saw agriculture and terracing in latin america; very different from the rice terracing in s e asia, which was separated from the settlements.


were there looters in teotihuacan?